Thursday 7 April 2016

why the Muslim organizations raised the question over the policy of police officers and intelligence agencies of India ? :- Engineer Affan Nomani

On February 8, 2016 , India's top Muslim organisations released joint
press conference on " Arbitary Arrests of Muslim Youth in the name of
ISIS " and have demanded  the central government to immediately stop
arresting Muslim youths on the pretext of ISIS and termed the fresh
campaign of detention and arresting as “an organized conspiracy to
malign Islam and Muslims, suspect their patriotism, terrorise them and
to get political benefits by creating hatred between Hindus and

The press conference was addressed by Mohammed Salim Engineer,
secretary General, Jamaate-e-Islami Hind, Moulana Abdul Hameed Noumani
, National secretary, Jamiat Ulema Hind ,Navaid Hamid , National
president, All India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawerat, Dr. SQR Ilyas ,
National President, welfare party of India and Others.
After releasing of press conference, I phoned Moulana Abdul Hameed
Noumani, Noted Islamic Scholar and national secretary, Jamiat Ulema
They said that we have demanded the central government to stop
arresting Muslim youth in the name of ISIS and raised the Question
over the policy of Intelligence agencies. In his comment Moulana
Noumani said that in the last one year both Prime Minister and Home
Minister have categorically said that Indian Muslims are patriotic,
ISIS has failed to attract Muslim youths and has little influence on
them. But just before this past Republic Day, they said agencies began
arresting Muslims across the country on suspicion of having links with
ISIS and Al-Qaeda. “This gave an impression as if Muslim youths are
not only in contact with ISIS but are also actively engaged in
preparation for terror attacks in the entire country just before the
Republic Day and are busy recruiting and radicalizing youth for
joining ISIS ranks.”
They said these youths “will also be acquitted of terror charges in
the same manner as those innocent Muslim youths arrested in similar
cases in the past. But until they get justice 10-15 years of these
innocent youths are lost and they face difficulties in restarting
their social life.”

According to sourse of press conference, the  Muslim leaders have put
seven demands before the government:
(1) The chain of arresting innocent Muslims mere on suspicion should
be immediately stopped. Cases should be withdrawn from those against
whom no substantial proof was found and they should be immediately
(2) Those against whom terror charges could not be proved and have
consequently been acquitted by the courts should be awarded ample
compensation and stringent action should be taken against the police
officers who had implicated them.
(3) Draconian laws (UAPA, MCOCA, etc.) enacted to counter so-called
terrorism should be annulled immediately because they run contrary to
basic human rights and are used by police and intelligence agencies as
a weapon against innocent people. It has already been proved that
charges against most of the people prosecuted under these laws were
not proved. Its living example is TADA whose rate of conviction was
just one percent. In the year 2014, only 18 out of 141 people
apprehended under UAPA could be charge-sheeted while 123 people were
found innocent. it means charges could be proved only against 12% of
the accused. It is most possible that these people will also be
acquitted by higher courts.

 (4) A new law should be formulated in the country to ensure ample
compensation to the persons acquitted of terror charges and to
prosecute under terror charges the officers of police and intelligence
agencies who falsely implicated them so that the lives of innocent
people could be saved.
(5) A core group should be formed comprising human rights
organisations working in terror cases, civil society groups and
community organisations. Every such case should be referred to the
panel. This core group would work as a watchdog. Only this will help
establish mutual harmony, contact and cooperation between police and
public and will shut the door of misunderstandings.
(6) A high-level probe should be conducted to fully expose the
Hindutva terror network uncovered by slain ATS chief Hemant Karkare
and also the cases brought to light by admission and revelations of
Swami Aseemanand.
(7) Hindutva terror accused should not be released on bail by
weakening their cases; rather their cases should be fast-tracked in
order to ensure judgment.

The big Question is that why the Muslim organizations raised the
question over the policy of police officers and intelligence agencies
of India?
Are police forces really more sensitive towards minority section?
I would like to shed light on official police report Which was
published in India's leading English newspaper Indian Express a year
" The police have concluded that there is a trust deficit among
Muslim, Strategy for making police forces more sensitive towards
minority section", a report prepared by three directors general of
police - Sanjeev Dayal of Maharashtra, Devraj Nagar of Uttar Pradesh
and k. Ramanujam of Tamil Nadu.
Muslim see the police as " Communal, biased and insentive
...ill-informed , corrupt and lacking professionalism", the report

" poor representation of the minorities in the police forces has
contributed to this distrust and suspicion.
It has to be admitted that the conduct of some members of the police
forces in various states during communal riots had only served to
strengthen and highten these suspicious and distrust in the minority
communities" it says.
The question is that not only Muslim while Dalits and Christians of
small town and villages also see the police as communal, biased and
The regions behind it is that most of the police officers are from the
upper caste fanatic Brahmin in high rank who is under the fascists
My direct question to the nation is that:-
Why are the poorest Muslims and Dalits constant targets of attack?
Why are the Muslims continuously subjected to riots and organized
violence, mostly with the active connivance of the state machinery,
which is largely controlled by the Hindu?
Why does the police almost always end up protecting those communally
minded Hindus who are behind riots ?
Most Muslim who chose to stay in India after partition did so as an
act of faith in our democratic polity. Has that Faith been honoured ?

I hope that the central government, police officers and intelligence
agencies of India will give response to my question.

Engineer Affan Nomani
( The writer is a Research Analyst and Columnist . He has been publishing in many leading newspaper such as The Hans India and DC and Vision Muslim Today Magazine  for the last few years. we always believe that there is no need to be defensive in front of communal forces . He may be reached at )