Tuesday 14 February 2017

Love vs Hate :- Engineer Affan Nomani

The word like Love or Hate , both are totally opposite to each other.
But both are not completely fulfill without each other. These two
words always live with each other from the beginning of the ancient
Yes, It is a different matter that thousand of difficulties have to be
face for spreading the affection of love in the universe. But we must
remember that love always won the history.
Love may be create the suspicion but its depend on  the borrow minded
and narrow minded person.
Prophet Muhammed ( Sw ) clearly said that " Allah always like the
person those who spread the love and brotherhood among communities
while Allah dislike the person those who spread the hostility among
communities. "

Dr. Martin Luther king said " Darkness can not drive out darkness;
only light can do that. Hate can not drive out hate; only Love can do
that ".
We must remember one thing is that ' Love always depends on truth or
trust not on fraud.

But now a days, most of the people are frauding from each other. Then,
how the affection of love will be strong ?
The affection of love from each other  will be strong when we will try
to win hurt of others and realize our mistakes.