Saturday 6 February 2016

Indian science, Ancient Mythology and False propaganda of BJP -RSS

Engineer Affan Nomani
Dr. P. M. Bhargava , prominent Scientist and founder director of the
centre for Cellular Molecular Biology , ( CCMB ) , Hyderabad, strongly
feel that " Indian science suffer, today more than ever, from
government apathy and no serious scientific business is done in Indian
science congress because of political affair and bizarre thoughts from
the senior leaders of the country ".

Unfortunately, BJP and RSS leaders views and ideologies about science
are exactly opposite to what Indian science recommends.
" saffronisation " of education has always been a pet project of the
Rss which aims to connect ancient  mythology with contemporary
Almost a year before, promoting ancient Veda's mythology with
contemporary science by prime minister Narendra Modi and Home minister
Rajnatth Singh was also the part of RSS project.

Home minister Rajnath Singh ,had falsely claimed that Heisenberg's '
uncertainty principle ' was borrowed of the Veda.

Mr. Singh, who once taught physics at a post graduate college in
Mirzapur, said - " The principle through which quantum mechanics was
found the uncertainty principle propounded by Werner Heisenberg. If
Heisenberg had not propounded it, then quantum mechanics would not
have come.
Heisenberg learnt the uncertainty principle from the philosophy of
Veda of this country.
Heisenberg came to India in 1929 and met Rabindranath Tagore."
Now I am Research analyst and I have been  also a student of physics and my
physics professor Mr. Shamser sir taught that Heisenberg had
propounded the uncertainty principle in 1927, two years before he met

On October 25,2014, prime minister Narendra Modi claimed that "
Mahabharat ka kehna hai Ki karn maa Ki godh se paida nahi huwa tha .
Iska matlab yeh hai Ki us samay genetic science mojud tha.....Hum
Ganeshji Ki puja karte hai , koi to plastic surgeon hoga us jamane
mai, jisne manushye ka sharir par hathi ka sar rakh kar ke plastic
surgery ka prarambh kiya hoga ". (It is said in Mahabharata that karna
was not born from his mother's womb. This means in the times in which
the epic was written genetic science was very much present . We all
worship lord Ganesha ; for sure there must have been some plastic
surgeon at that time, to fit an elephant's head on the body of a human

The television commentator, Mr. Karan Thapar , in his article in The
Hindu ( Nov 1, 2014 ) says that to his astonishment, no Indian
scientist has refuted Mr. Modi's claims and that this silence is
This important point needs our attention.
Indeed , some of the responses to Mr.Thapar's piece , also published
in The Hindu , are neither here nor there. But one of them by the
scientist sharath Ananthamurthy,is of some interest.
He talks of three varieties of scientists in India.
One type is too embarrassed to react. The second type is indifferent
to any view aired by public persons, and who are comfortable in their
labs as long as research funds flow uninterrupted. And the third type
of scientists who go around giving speeches in school and colleges on
such " mumbo-jumbo " in their zeal to " recover our great Indian
When Narendra Modi was chief minister of Gujarat, he included Rss
ideologue Dinanath Batra's book in school syllabus, which claims that
stem cell research was known in the days of kunti and the kauravas ,
television was invented at the time of Mahabharata and motor car
existed in the Vedic period.
This all nonsense mythology have been a pet project of the RSS which
aims to cleanse textbooks of " western " influences and promote
Hindutva ideology.

In India, there are over 600 universities, 40 scientific and
industrial Research ( CSIR )laboratories, a few premier research
institutions like the IISc , Bengaluru, TIFR , Mumbai, 16 IITs and
five Indian Institute of science Education and Research ( IISER ). But
It is unfortunate that not a single Indian institution of higher
learning figures in the list of world's top 200 universities. But the
country has failed to produce any path-breaking research or Nobel
laureates for the last several decades.
If we talk about Education budget of Modi government, the government's
first budget has not delivered for higher education. The overall
education budget of the Modi government is down from Rs.82771 crore to
Rs.69074 crore and cut in research budget is shocking.
RSS and other Hindu groups can not be trusted much to keep politics
out of Education. But, Narendra Modi the man who has promised to make
India a global Superpower, should take the onus and abstain from
politicing education.
Students who grow up believing that plastic surgery existed in ancient
India and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle originated from Vedas,
will only become scientific illustrates.

So , As a Research analyst I want to draw attention of all science
students, technical professor and scientists regarding this issues and
this is the time to speak out against the ancient mythology and False
propaganda of BJP-RSS. We need to save the idea of Indian science.

Engineer Affan Nomani
( The writer is a Research Analyst and Columnist . He has been publishing in many leading newspaper such as The Hans India and DC and Vision Muslim Today Magazine  for the last few years. we always believe that there is no need to be defensive in front of communal forces . He may be reached at )