Sunday 29 November 2015

Indian Muslims Literacy rate graph

The book " At Home In India - the Muslim Saga " written by Salman Khurshid , former External affairs minister and Prominent leader of Congress , tackles each and every topic with candour , sensitivity and forthrightness.
He beautifully describes the Indian Muslim's literacy figures on the basis of this vast and varied experience.
The sachar committee did an excellent job of marshalling data from different government sources and came to the following conclusion :
* Abysmal literary figures much below national average and 25 percent Muslims children between ages of 6 and 14 not at school.
Engineer Affan Nomani , Resarch Analyst & Columnist
* Muslims only 3 percent in the Indian Administrative service ( IAS ) , 1.8 percent in Indian foreign service ( IFS ) , 4 percent in Indian Police service ( IPS ) , 4.5 percent in Railways ( 98.7 percent of the 4.5 percent at lower levels) , police constables only 6 percent, in health 4 percent, in transport 6.5 percent.
Average amount of bank loans disbursed to Muslims 2/3rd of that disbursed to others.
Muslims other backward classes ( OBCs ) worse off than Hindu OBCs.
* The school attainment levels of Muslims are close to scheduled caste/schedule Tribe ( SC/ST ) and much lower than them in rural areas.
* The share of Muslims in all recruitment by state public service commission is about 14 percent, leaving a conspicuous deficit.
There is negligible representation of Muslims in the judiciary ( 7.8 percent).
Hence this type of data illustrate that Muslims literacy figure  grave in danger.
15 percent for minorities as backward under Article 16(4) of the constitution ' notably without qualifying the word " backward " with the words " socially and educationally ".
Only 4 percent Muslims go to madarasas ( Islamic educational institutions ) because they are free and their are no school in the neighbourhood; the Muslim population growth has slowed down as fertility has declined not the least because of willingness to use modern contraceptive; and despite an outstanding record of patriotism, Muslims generally encounter allegations of being ' anti -national ' and also of being appeased for political reasons.
With all this data now available uncontrovertibly, it would be a shame if we are unable or unwilling to address the issues fairly and without self-conscious constraints about reactions.
First, it must be understood that this need to address the condition of India's largest minority is imperative for the good of the entire nation and not merely a populist hand-out to the minorities. Success of the critical national enterprise will depend on a combination of equity and entitlement as the foundation of empowerment.
By : Engineer Affan Nomani
( The writer is a research Analyst & Columnist . He has been publishing in many leading newspaper such The Hans India and DC  for the last few years . we always believe that there is no need to be defensive in front of communal forces. He may be reached at )

Sunday 22 November 2015

Jihad Against Terrorism

One of the most influential Muslim organization in India, Jamiat Ulema
Hind ( a forum founded in 1919 to speak for Muslims and Support the
 movement for independence ),organized million marches against
terrorism in metro cities of the country recently.
Of Course, It's a right steps of Jamiat Ulema hind against  terrorism.
The jihad pronounced and propagated by ISIS militants has to be
Condemned as it goes against the very tenents of the Islam.
There is no religion that is interfered with, linkered ,
misunderstood, misinterpreted, disfigured and blamed as Islam is,
though it is a religion of peace, tolerance, sacrifice, equality,
love, brotherhood, justice and promotes peaceful coexistence, one
should read the Holy Qur'an, Hadiths and Sunnah as a whole to
understand Islam in its totality.Islam never promotes , instigates, exhorts or encourages violence,
fundamentalism , extremism or radicalism of any kind.

Affan Nomani , Research Analyst  
Jamiat Ulema Hind , perhaps the first renowned Muslim
organization in the world who coordinated a fatwa against terrorism
issued by Darul Uloom Deoband in 2008. Recently ,Jamiat Ulema hind
organized million marches against terrorism in metro cities of the
 During the period of 2006 to 2012, when attributing terror acts to
Islam and Muslims was common phenomena,Jamiat Ulama e hind had
organised more than 200 rallies all across the nation seeking from the
young Muslims allegiance to Islam and not falling prey to the wrong
 Religio-Political Heavyweight Maulana Mahmooda Madani, General
Secretary of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind, the most influential
Organization of Indian Muslims—has been outspoken in his opposition to
the misuse of the term jihad as a tool of terrorism in India and
always exhorted his community to provide their children better
education though they have to sacrifice one time meal.
 Expressing difference between jihad and terrorism, Madani was vocal
that terrorism is mischievous and heinous crime mostly promoted by
political forces against humanity while jihad is pious a term meant
for eradicating evils from society.

 In the wake of recent horrific terror acts in Paris, among the whole
world, Maulana Mahmood Madani was the most highlighted man when he
again outspoken against Daish (ISIS) which is badly damaging the name
of Islam. If one May analyse, this deadly group has vastly killed
Muslims before France attack, Killing the Muslim Ummah and damaging
the image of Islam are something which cannot be ignored by the
defenders of the faith. So Madani stood high against all odds and
staged agitation in 75 cities of India and termed the Daish the rebel
of Allah. Announcing Jihad against terrorism, Maulana has rightly
placed its noble use. Not Diash but Israel is also a terrorist nation .
Of course , we must think that what's the reason behind selective
Conscience of the world over brutally killing of Palestinian and
Syrian .ISIS killed over 100000 Syrian , Israel had killed over 1000
Palestinian children but world was unmoved . if
 killing of 150 people created havoc in the world, constant killing of
 thousands of innocent Palestinian by terrorist Israel is the most
 painful . I Condemn Paris terror attack and Selective conscience of the
world as well as
.  He also rubbished that JUH is just denouncing the French
attack only and added we denounce every kind of terrorism whether by
state sponsored or others.
 Madani invoked true sense and principles of Islam and beautifully
coined terms and expressions which attracted international
appreciation. Moulana Mahmood  Madani invoked jihad against terror is
something that shall dispel misunderstanding of many who feel both are
equal. He undoubtly did for the defence of Islam and Muslim Ummah that
All Islamic nation should emulate.
BY : Affan Nomani
( The writer is a Research Analyst and Columnist . He has been publishing in many leading newspaper such as The Hans India and DC for the last few years. we always believe that there is no need to be defensive in front of communal forces . He may be reached at )